The U.S. Conference of Mayors passed a resolution Sunday strongly supporting the use of red light and speed safety cameras. This important technology helps reduce injuries and fatalities on the nation’s roadways.
The resolution — announced during the Conference’s 79th Annual Meeting — pledges support for safe, efficient and innovative solutions to traffic law enforcement. You can view the adopted resolution language on page 188-189 here.
“It’s no surprise that our nation’s mayors support the use of life-saving red lights safety cameras,” said David Kelly, president and executive director of the National Coalition for Safer Roads (NCSR), and former acting administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). “There is an overwhelming body of evidence showing the effectiveness of red light safety cameras in more than 600 communities across the country. Our mayors have recognized the need to explore utilizing these life-saving devices to protect innocent motorists, pedestrians and cyclists by preventing senseless deaths from reckless red-light runners.”
In their official resolution, the mayors cited recent research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), which found that 676 people were killed and 113,000 were injured in crashes that involved red light running in 2009. Two-thirds of the victims in these crashes were pedestrians, bicyclists or occupants of vehicles hit by the red light runners.
The study also showed red light safety cameras helped save more than 150 lives in 14 of the biggest U.S. cities from 2004 to 2008. Had the cameras been operating in all 99 U.S. cities with populations of more than 200,000, more than 800 lives could have been saved. The Federal Highway Administration also found that communities with red light safety cameras see a 20-87 percent reduction in red-light running violations within 18 months of implementation.
The resolution was introduced to the U.S. Conference of Mayors by the honorable Brian C. Wahler, mayor of Piscataway, New Jersey.
NCSR is a nonprofit advocacy organization that brings together industry leaders, community leaders and concerned citizens in support of red light safety camera technology. Coalition members include the National Safety Council, Child Safety Network, National Organizations for Youth Safety, America Walks and Red Means Stop. NCSR receives funding from American Traffic Solutions. NCSR helps save lives and protect communities by demonstrating how red light safety cameras can improve driver behavior. For more information, visit, follow @SaferRoadsUSA on Twitter and on Facebook at