Joining the chorus of red light safety camera supporters, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, the highly-respected brain and spinal cord injury research center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, recently announced their support of the National Coalition for Safer Roads. This announcement solidifies The Project’s commitment and support of red light safety cameras as well as other programs and technologies that help increase road safety.
“Our team sees the tragedy left from preventable accidents all the time, and I firmly believe that red light cameras save lives,” said Marc Buoniconti, president of The Miami Project. “And, when an aggressive driver gets ticketed for running a red light and breaking the law, it is only fitting and appropriate that some of those funds go to researching the life altering injuries that they may cause.”
Under the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act, Florida’s red light safety camera program, a portion of the money generated from red light violations goes to research and emergency room trauma centers throughout the state.
Of the $158 fine paid by red light violators, $10 is distributed to local trauma centers through the Health Administrative Trust Fund, and $3 is allocated to support research through The Miami Project. Since July 2010, Florida’s trauma centers have received more than $5.5 million and The Miami Project has received more than $1.7 million.
“It is a ‘red’ letter day when an advocate of the stature of The Miami Project joins our effort,” said David Kelly, president and executive director of the National Coalition of Safer Roads. “On the heels of the strong public support we are enjoying, I am confident that we are making meaningful progress in Florida.”
About The Miami Project
The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis is the world’s most comprehensive spinal cord injury research center, and a designated Center of Excellence at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine. The Miami Project’s international team is housed in the Lois Pope LIFE Center and includes more than 250 scientists, researchers and clinicians who take innovative approaches to the challenges of traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries.
About the National Coalition for Safer Roads
NCSR was organized as an industry trade association with the express purpose of advocating on behalf of the traffic safety technology industry. NCSR is proud to advocate for the use of red light safety cameras in more than 600 communities across the country to change reckless driver behavior, stop red-light running and save lives. NCSR is supported by American Traffic Solutions, with coalition partners including the National Safety Council; Safe Kids USA; Child Safety Network; National Organizations for Youth Safety; America Walks; and Red Means Stop, as well as numerous police departments, medical professionals, safety advocates, industry leaders, community leaders and concerned citizens. View NCSR Partners. For more information, visit , follow @SaferRoadsUSA on Twitter and on Facebook at .
The Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act
The “Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act” is established whereby the regulation and use of cameras for enforcing traffic control signal laws is expressly preempted to the state. The manner in which municipalities and counties may administer such a program is established and the amount of the fine to be imposed, $158, is provided. Disposition of fines is provided as follows: three-fifths to be retained by the county or municipality enforcing the ordinance; one-fifth as provided by s. 318.21, F.S.; and one-fifth to be deposited in the Department of Health Administrative Trust Fund.