SUNDAY, AUGUST 2: Introduction to Stop on Red Week
Innocent lives are lost every day because drivers recklessly decide to run red lights. We must do everything in our power to protect our children, our families, and our communities from the callous and dangerous behavior of red-light runners.
A word from our President
Spread the word on social media
Twitter: National Stop on Red Week starts today thru August 8!
#StopOnRed2020 #StayOnTheSafeSide
Facebook: Green means go. Red means STOP. National Stop on Red Week kicks off today and runs thru August 8. Together, we can stop the crashes. Spread the word with #StopOnRed2020.
Add this National Stop on Red Week image to your profile image to show your support. Now’s the time to spread the word on the dangers of red-light running. Together, we can stop the crashes, injuries and fatalities. Stay alert. Stay alive. Use #StopOnRed2020 to join the convo.
MONDAY, AUGUST 3: The Numbers
Between 2004-2018, an estimated 11,877 people were killed in crashes related to red-light running according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In 2018, 846 people were killed, and an estimated 139,000 were injured in crashes involving red-light running. IIHS found that about half of red-light running crash deaths involve pedestrians, cyclists and occupants in vehicles struck by the red-light runners.
Spread the Word on Social Media
Twitter: #ByTheNumbers: In 2018, 846 people died in red-light running crashes. It’s National Stop on Red Week. Spread the word with #StopOnRed2020. #StayOnTheSafeSide
Facebook:Red-light running is deadly. In 2018, 846 people were killed in red-light running crashes. 139,000 were injured. We can stop this. Join the convo now during National Stop on Red Week. #StopOnRed2020. #StayOnTheSafeSide
Perhaps the most tragic part is that these crashes, injuries and deaths are 100 percent preventable if people would simply follow the law and stop on red. We must do everything we can to make intersections safer.
National Stop on Red Week serves as an important reminder of the dangers in intersections and the importance of stopping on red. Preventing these crashes is in each driver’s control. Together, we can protect our community, families and children by ALWAYS STOPPING on RED.
New research is rapidly emerging about the behaviors of red-light runners and about the technology available to aid in putting an end to red-light running in communities across the United States.
2019 Trends in Red-Light Running (data from 107 red-light camera programs)
- More drivers ran red lights in May, more than any other month.
- More than 1 million red-light running violations occurred during the hours of 1-5pm.
- Memorial Day Weekend was the highest-ranked holiday travel period for red-light running.
- More than 3.5 million drivers ran red lights in 2019.
Spread the Word on Social Media
More than 3.5 Million drivers ran red lights in 2019. #StopOnRed2020#StayOnTheSafeSide
Facebook: Morethan 3.5 Million drivers ran red lights in 2019. It’s time to put a to it. Join National Stop on Red Week at #StopOnRed2020#StayOnTheSafeSide
More than 550,000 drivers ran red lights on Friday, making it the deadliest day for red-light running. Safety is the responsibility of every driver — not just during Stop on Red Week, but every day and every time someone gets behind the wheel. Intersection safety is an extremely important aspect of road safety in our community.
Spread the Word on Social Media
Twitter: In 2019, Friday was the deadliest day for red light running.
The more people stay alert, the more people stay alive. #StopOnRed2020
Facebook: 556,745 people were cited for running red lights on Friday in 2019, making it the deadliest day for red light running. We can stop this. #StopOnRed2020#StayOnTheSafeSide
THURSDAY, AUGUST 6: Get the Facts
The National Coalition for Safer Roads shows how deadly red-light running is through our interactive red-light running fatality map. The fatalities are mapped to the city and state that each incident occurred. Through its search function, the map allows viewers the opportunity to find out how many red-light running fatalities occurred in a particular state.
FACT: Cameras don’t violate privacy. Driving is a regulated activity, and people who obtain licenses are agreeing to abide by certain rules. Red-light cameras are a way to catch people who break those rules, just like traditional enforcement.
The ultimate goal is to honor the lives lost and illustrate the danger of red-light running. These dots represent a life cut too short, family and friends left to soon, and the harsh reality that red-light running can affect anyone on the roadways if more action isn’t taken to prevent reckless driving.
Spread the Word on Social Media
Top 10 deadliest states for red-light running. #StopOnRed2020.
Facebook: Check out the top 10 deadliest states across the nation for red-light running fatalities. Is your home state on the list? #StopOnRed2020#StayOnTheSafeSide
FRIDAY, AUGUST 7: Red-Light Cameras Save Lives
Red-light cameras save lives. They are designed to change bad driving behavior and help reduce the collisions caused by red-light runners. We need every safety tool and everyone to work together in order to cut down the insatiable heartache on our roadways. By using innovative technologies such as red-light safety cameras at dangerous intersections across the country, we can put an end to deadly red-light running. Did you know? An IIHS study found that cameras reduced the fatal red-light running crash rate of large cities by 21 percent and the rate of all types of fatal crashes at signalized intersections by 14 percent.
Spread the Word on Social Media
MYTH: Cameras violate privacy. FACT: Driving is a regulated activity, and people who obtain licenses are agreeing to abide by certain rules. Red light cameras are a way to catch people who break those rules, just like traditional enforcement.Cameras DON’T violate privacy.#StopOnRed2020
Facebook: MYTH: Cameras violate privacy. FACT: Driving is a regulated activity, and people who obtain licenses are agreeing to abide by certain rules. Red light cameras are a way to catch people who break those rules, just like traditional enforcement.Cameras DON’T violate privacy.#StopOnRed2020
SATURDAY, AUGUST 8: Take the Pledge
Safety is the responsibility of every driver — not just during Stop on Red Week, but every day and every time someone gets behind the wheel. Intersection safety is an extremely important aspect of road safety in our community. In a 2018 national telephone survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 85 percent of drivers said it’s very or extremely dangerous to speed through a red light, but 31 percent reported doing so in the past 30 days.
Below are Ten Reasons to Stop on Red based on the most recent statistics about red-light running.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 8: Take the Pledge
Safety is the responsibility of every driver — not just during Stop on Red Week, but every day and every time someone gets behind the wheel. Intersection safety is an extremely important aspect of road safety in our community. In a 2018 national telephone survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 85 percent of drivers said it’s very or extremely dangerous to speed through a red light, but 31 percent reported doing so in the past 30 days.
Below are Ten Reasons to Stop on Red based on the most recent statistics about red-light running.
Spread the Word on Social Media
Twitter: Red-light runners cause hundreds of deaths and tens of thousands of injuries each year. We can stop it. #StopOnRed2020#StayOnTheSafeSide
Facebook: 31% of drivers reported they ran a red light in the last 30 days. Were you one of them? #StopOnRed2020. Stay Alert. Stay Alive.