Washington, D.C. – Yesterday AAA release a report stating that more than 36 percent of drivers continue to run red-lights and take risks, despite the fact that 55 percent of the participants said it is a very serious threat and 73 percent acknowledged that running red-lights is unacceptable.
Though research proves the dangers of distracted and risky driving, it continues to happen nationwide, putting other drivers at great risk. In order to prevent such driving and improve safety on the road, states across the nation have installed red-light safety cameras.
Florida, for example, which is known as the third-most dangerous state in the nation for red-light running fatalities, installed cameras throughout the state and has seen significant changes in vehicle related injuries and fatalities. The National Coalition for Safer Roads’ fact sheet on Florida reports that since the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act, which was passed with major support from NCSR’s President Melissa Wandall who lost her husband as a result of red-light running, was passed, the average number of collisions in a year has decreased.
The 2014 Florida Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) reported a 49 percent decrease in fatal crashes at red-light safety camera intersections on state roads saving an estimated 18 lives, highlighting the cameras’ effectiveness in improving driving behavior and reducing risk.
“It is undeniable that red-light running increases the risk of traffic collisions and causes unnecessary harm to others,” said NCSR President Melissa Wandall. “In fact, it often is the key contributor to vehicle related injuries and fatalities across the United States, which is why it is so important that states across the nation install red-light safety cameras. They improve driving safety and save lives.”
NCSR views Florida as an example of how driving behavior can be improved nationwide. With support of red-light safety cameras, states can reduce distracted and risky driving, such as red-light running, and save lives as well as money.
For more information on NCSR, visit NCSRSafety.org. For more information on the findings from the Houston Police Department, visit http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Crashes-double-at-Houston-intersections-after-red-5852853.php.
The National Coalition for Safer Roads helps save lives and protect communities by demonstrating how red-light safety cameras can improve driver behavior. NCSR brings together policymakers, community leaders and concerned citizens in support of red-light safety cameras, advocating for their use in cities and communities across the country. The National Coalition for Safer Roads is a 501 (c)(6) industry trade association. To learn more, please visit www.NCSRsafety.org, follow @SaferRoadsUSA on Twitter and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/SaferRoadsUSA
For more information or to interview NCSR President Melissa Wandall, please contact Courtney Miller at (202) 216-8959 or cmiller@ncsrsafety.org.