The National Coalition for Safer Roads (NCSR) is taking a stand against red-light running by promoting safe driving habits during National Stop on Red Week, Aug. 7-13, 2011.

Sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, National Stop on Red Week aims to educate drivers about the dangers of red-light running and to reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes. NCSR is promoting National Stop on Red Week by partnering with communities across the country to raise awareness about the dangers of red-light running.

“Innocent lives are lost every day because drivers recklessly decide to run red lights, with a large number of those deaths being innocent pedestrians, cyclists and passengers in vehicles hit by the red-light runner,” said David Kelly, president and executive director of NCSR, and former acting administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). “We’re promoting Stop on Red Week to help protect our children, our families and our communities from the callous and dangerous behavior of red-light runners.

To highlight the importance of Stop on Red Week, NCSR is providing access to resources that communities and supporters can use to promote National Stop on Red Week Resources include:

“No family should have to suffer the loss of a loved one because of someone’s desire to beat a light,” said Kelly. “National Stop on Red Week serves as an important reminder of the dangers of red-light running and the importance of stopping on red. Preventing these crashes is in each driver’s control.

By using innovative technologies such as red light safety cameras at dangerous intersections across the country, we can put an end to deadly red-light running. Together, we can protect our communities, families and children by always stopping on red.”

NCSR is encouraging motorists to take the Safe Driver Pledge during National Stop on Red Week. By signing the pledge, drivers promise to follow the rules of the road and always stop on red.

For more information on National Stop on Red Week and NCSR visit,


NCSR is a nonprofit advocacy organization that brings together industry leaders, community leaders and concerned citizens in support of red light safety camera technology. Coalition members include the National Safety Council, Child Safety Network, National Organizations for Youth Safety, America Walks and Red Means Stop.