WASHINGTON, D.C. — Automobile crashes are the number one cause of death for youth in the United States. In an effort to save lives, the National Coalition for Safer Roads is supporting May asNational Youth Traffic Safety Month. This campaign, led by the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) coalition, is an initiative to save lives and support efforts to address youth traffic safety. As part of National Youth Traffic Safety Month, The Allstate Foundation sponsors the Act Out Loud contest encouraging teens ages 13-18 to create school traffic safety projects that can be implemented in their communities to raise their voices for safe teen driving. Additionally, youth across the country are participating in the world wide Decade of Action for Road Safety launch on May 11, 2011.
“NCSR is proud to support National Youth Traffic Safety Month.” said David Kelly, NCSR President and Executive Director. “Our nation’s youth makes up of a big part of the walkers, bikers and passengers on the road every day. NCSR believes that red light safety cameras help to make drivers more aware of their behavior on the roads and keep our nation’s youth safer.”
Sandy Spavone, Executive Director of NOYS said, “We are very excited about the support from NCSR and look forward to working with them to spread the word about National Youth Traffic Safety Month.” She adds, “It’s extremely important that youth understand the power and responsibility that they have both as a passenger and as a driver. Through this campaign youth are empowered to educate their communities and their peers on how to be safe on the roads. Through support from NCSR and funding from The Allstate Foundation, lives will be saved.”
Youth are encouraged to take part in safe driving behavior. Some safety tips while on the road include:
• Always wear a seatbelt whether they are a driver or a passenger.
• Obey the speed limit
• Limit the number of passengers in the vehicle
• Limit nighttime driving
• Eliminate all cell phone use while driving.
• NEVER ride with a driver who has been drinking or is impaired
• NEVER drive after drinking or under any drug influence
Visit National Coalition for Safer Roads at www.saferoadssavelives.org and learn more aboutNational Youth Traffic Safety Month