Amanda was severely injured in 2004 when a dump-truck driver ran a red light and broadsided into her SUV. Amanda suffered a severe traumatic brain injury, lost her spleen and almost lost a kidney. The truck was 12-seconds late going through the intersection.

In October of 2003, my husband and brother went out for a quick bite to eat. On their way home, a little over a mile from our house, they stopped at a red-light. As they started with the green light, another driver blew through a…

Tom and Lauren Hanley’s lives abruptly changed forever on their wedding day in June 2010 when a shuttle bus driver transporting their entire wedding party ran a red light. Their best friend and wedding officiant, Jim, was killed in the tragic crash.

In Florida, benefits of red-light safety cameras extend beyond public safety and into the world of cutting edge science. The Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act allocates a portion of traffic fines collected from safety cameras to Florida’s trauma centers and to The Miami Project to…